Hint: https://youtu.be/49UyhjuAHVU

Puzzle 11 | (1000 Coins and 10 Bags)

Puzzle 12 | (Maximize probability of White Ball)

Puzzle 13 | (100 Prisoners with Red/Black Hats)

Puzzle 14 | (Strategy for a 2 Player Coin Game)

Puzzle 15 | (Camel and Banana Puzzle)

Puzzle 16 | (100 Doors)

Puzzle 18 | (Torch and Bridge)

Puzzle 19 | (Poison and Rat)

Puzzle 20 | (5 Pirates and 100 Gold Coins)

Puzzle 21 | (3 Ants and Triangle)

Puzzle 22 | (Maximum Chocolates)

Puzzle 23 | (Days of month using 2 dice)

Puzzle 24 | (10 Coins Puzzle)

Puzzle 25 | (Chessboard and dominos)

Puzzle 26 | (Know Average Salary without Disclosing Individual Salaries)

Puzzle 27 | (Hourglasses Puzzle)

Puzzle 28 | (Newspaper Puzzle)

Puzzle 29 | (Car Wheel Puzzle)

Puzzle 30 | (Last Palindrome Date Before 10/02/2001)

Puzzle 31 | (Minimum cut Puzzle)

Puzzle 32| (Completion of Task)

Puzzle 33 | ( Rs 500 Note Puzzle )

Puzzle 34 | (Prisoner and Policeman Puzzle)

Puzzle | Set 35 (2 Eggs and 100 Floors)

Puzzle 37 | (Maximum run in cricket)

Puzzle 39 | (100 coins puzzle)

Puzzle 41 | (Guess Color of Hat)

Puzzle | Splitting a Cake with a Missing Piece in two equal portion

Puzzle | The Burning Candles

Puzzle | Distribute the Water

Hungry Worm and Old Tree Riddle | Puzzle

Melting Candles | Puzzle

Village of demons and sleeping man | Puzzle

Puzzle | Light all the bulbs

Puzzle | Find the box which contains Box of 11 gm Cigarettes

Puzzle | Find the overweight islander

Puzzle | Maximum pieces that can be cut from a Circle using 6 straight lines

Puzzle | 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles

Puzzle | Rat and Poisonous Milk Bottles

Puzzle | Minimum number steps to weigh 1 kg rice with 1gm weight

Puzzle | 1000 light bulbs switched on/off by 1000 people passing by

Puzzle | Minimum planes to go around the world

Puzzle | Growing Water Lilly

Puzzle | Pair of Socks

Puzzle | Bag of Coins

Puzzle | Blind man and Pills

Egg Dropping Puzzle with 2 Eggs and K Floors

Puzzle | 3 cuts to cut round cake into 8 equal pieces

Find time when hour and minute hands superimpose

Puzzle | Water Jug Problem

Puzzle | (Help the Women, Cross the River)

Puzzle | Farmer, Goat, Wolf and Cabbage

Puzzle | Three Thief crossing river

Puzzle | Mislabeled Jars

Puzzle | Measure 4L using given 3 buckets

Puzzle | ( Distance, Time and Work)

Puzzle | Elevator Puzzle

Puzzle | Heaven and Hell

Puzzle | 10 identical bottles of pills

Puzzle | Weight of Heavy Ball

Measuring 6L water from 4L and 9L buckets

Puzzle 85 | Chain Link Puzzle

Puzzle 81 | 100 people in a circle with gun puzzle

Puzzle 62 | Gold or Silver

Puzzle 54 | Fill the Jug

Puzzle 53 | The Counterfeit Coin